7.2 Encryption Settings

Use this page to configure when the randomly generated encryption key is changed.

  1. Click Reporting on the home page of the console.

  2. Click Encryption Settings in the task pane.

  3. To specify how frequently the key is changed, specify a Key Rollover interval, then select the type of interval (years, months, weeks, or days).

  4. (Optional) In the Key list, disable or enable keys.

    Each time a new key is generated, it is added to the list.

    If you disable a previous key, Privileged Account Manager re-encrypts all database with the old key to the latest key. This can be very time-intensive and can affect performance until it is completed.

    If you disable the null cipher key, Privileged Account Manager encrypts all the databases, which has the Protection set to Encrypted in Reporting > Audit Settings, with the latest key. This can be very time-intensive and can affect performance until it is completed.

  5. Click Finish.