5.1 Understanding Sample Policy template

The sample policy template is a template that imports various sample policies with required conditions. These policies include all the configuration settings for all the entities that are required to create sample policies in the Command Control console. This template helps in providing some of the sample policies that an administrator can use and it helps the administrators to understand how they can create policies with any required condition. The administrators can either use the same policy or modify it according to their requirements.

You can import the Sample Policy templates from the “Getting Started page” of the console. The Getting Started page is displayed initially when you install Privileged Account Manager. You can also open the Getting Started page from the home page of the console. When you import the template, all the sample policies are listed in the command control console.

IMPORTANT:If you have already defined some policies in the Command Control console, then importing these policies will overwrite those policies. The import of the sample template is helpful for the administrators who are creating policies for the first time.

To open the Getting Started page, perform the following:

  1. (Conditional), If you are accessing the Manager for Privileged Account Manager for the first time, the first screen that gets displayed is the Getting Started page.

  2. On the navigation path of the administration console, click User Name > Getting started. Here, User Name is the name that you use to login to the administration console of Privileged Account Manager.

5.1.1 Importing Sample Policy Templates

When you import Sample Policy template, the sample policies are added in the Command Control console. These policies are created with some specific conditions. The entities such as Account Group, Commands, and so on are also created with the policies. These entities are required to create the sample policies.

To import sample Policies, perform the following:

  1. On the Getting started page, click Import Sample Policy.

  2. Click Import.

    The Command Control console launches with all the sample policies in the Command Control pane.