4.5 Starting the Workload Protection

Workload protection is started by the Run Replication command:

You can execute the Run Replication command after:

When you are ready to proceed:

  1. On the Workloads page, select the required workload, then click Run Replication.

  2. Click Execute.

    PlateSpin Protect starts the execution and displays a process indicator for the Copy data step .

NOTE:After a workload has been protected:

  • Changing the size of a volume that is under block-level protection invalidates the protection. The appropriate procedure is to 1. remove the workload from protection, 2. resize the volumes as required. 3. re-establish the protection by re-adding the workload, configuring its protection details, and starting replications.

  • Any significant modification of the protected workload requires that the protection be re-established. Examples include adding volumes or network cards to the workload under protection.