6.3 Viewing Counts and Status for a Project, Wave, or Batch

The Projects, Waves, and Batches lists include the following summary health and status counts in the Counts column:

  • Total: Total number of workloads in the project

  • Def: Total number of workloads currently in the defining state, typically with a status of Needs Additional Info or Ready to be Submitted

  • Submit: Total number of workloads that have been defined and are waiting for transformation to start

  • InProg: Total number of workloads currently in the transforming state

  • Done: Total number of workload transformations currently in the Completed state

  • Warn: Total number of workloads in the project that currently have one or more warning conditions

The Projects, Waves, Batches, and Workloads lists report the current status in the Status column.