24.6 Retrying Host Discovery

You might want to retry discovery for a host if the initial discovery fails. For information about possible causes of discovery failure, see Troubleshooting Host Discovery Failures.

To retry discovery for one or more hots:

  1. In the Web Interface, select Resources in the toolbar, then select the Hosts tab.

  2. Use the Advanced Search to select one or more hosts where the initial discovery failed. In the Sub Status list, select Target host discovery failed.

  3. Click in the Hosts list to exit the Advanced Search.

  4. For each host, mouse over the Target host discovery failed status to view details about the reason the discovery failed.

  5. Select one or multiple hosts in the refined list.

  6. In the actions above the list, click Retry to initiate discovery for each of the selected hosts.

To retry discovery for a single host:

  1. In the Web Interface, select Resources in the toolbar, then select the Hosts tab.

  2. Use the Filter and Advanced Search to locate and select the host, then click Edit.

  3. Mouse over Retry in the header area for information about why the initial discovery failed.

  4. Click Retry to initiate discovery.