A.3 Downloading Connector Log Files on the Appliance

If you experience an issue with the PlateSpin Migrate Connector instance on the PlateSpin Transformation Manager Appliance, you might need to download the log files to send them to Technical Support.

  1. In a web browser, specify the DNS name or the IP address for the Appliance with the port number 9443. For example:



  2. Specify the administrative username and password for the appliance, then click Sign in. The default users are vaadmin or root.

  3. Click System Services .

  4. In the Log Files column, click the download link for the appropriate service to download the log files to your management workstation:

    PlateSpin Transformation Manager: Collects, zips, and downloads the following log files:

    • tm_server.log

    • platespin-transformmgr.out

    • platespin_transformmgr_config.log

    PlateSpin Migrate Connector for PTM: Collects, zips, and downloads the following log files:

    • migrate_connector.log

    • platespin-migrate-connector.out

  5. Click Close to exit System Services.