K.5 January 2018



Section 2.6.3, Requirements for Event Messaging

If you use PlateSpin Transformation Manager with a cloud-based Migrate server, allow inbound connections in the Network Security Group for STOMP communications (TCP port 61613) related to Event Messaging.

Step 3 in Section 5.6, Enabling Event Messaging for PlateSpin Migration Factory

Section 9.2.3, Azure Prerequisites for Using an Azure-Based Migrate Server

Section 9.2.3, Azure Prerequisites for Using an Azure-Based Migrate Server

When no VPN is provided between the source network and the cloud-based Migrate server, you can use Migrate Agent to register workloads with the cloud-based Migrate server using secure communications over the public Internet. Internet access and public IP addresses are required. For deployment information, see Figure 9-2, Cloud-Based Migrate Server for Automated Migration to Azure.