8.5 Managing Multiple Definitions

When multiple definitions exist, the Service Configuration Manager uses the following criteria when generating the definitions:

  • The Configuration Manager uses the schedule of the top-most enabled definition in the hierarchy. When you enable a definition, the Configuration Manager disables the schedules for all definitions that are below the definition you enable.

  • If you disable a definition, the Configuration Manager automatically disables its schedule and you cannot re-enable it unless you re-enable the definition.

You can use the definition right-click menu options to change the order of definitions and to disable or remove them:

  • Use Move Up and Move Down to change the order in which the Configuration Manager processes a definition.

  • Select Disabled to make the definition inactive. To restore the definition, reselect Disabled.

  • Select Disabled All to make both the definition and its schedule inactive. To restore the definition and its schedule, reselect Disabled All and provide schedule details, if required.

  • Select Remove to delete a definition.