8.4 Enabling Auditing, Debug, and Element Locking During Generation

Auditing and debug features are available while working in the Service Configuration Editor. After a service configuration definition is defined and established, it could be helpful to enable auditing to be alerted of any changes or activity in service configuration definitions. Likewise, while in development, it can be helpful to have debug features enabled.

HINT:To determine when a configuration was last generated, enable auditing. This can be helpful when a configuration is generated manually, not using a schedule.

Enabling the Lock definition element during generation feature works to ensure that no other user or process is editing or removing the configuration element in the Operations Center console while the service configuration is being generated. Likewise, if another user or action has the service configuration element locked (for example, a user is editing the Layout view drawing), the generation process, either manual or scheduled, is unable to run.

To enable auditing or debug features:

  1. In the Service Configuration Editor, click the Definitions root element.

  2. To enable auditing, select the Enable Auditing check box.

  3. To enable debug logging, select the Enable Debug Logging check box.

  4. To enable element locking during service configuration generation, select the Lock definition element during generation check box.

    During generation, (Locked) displays next to the configuration element in the Explorer pane in the Operations Center console.

  5. Click Save to save definition settings.