14.3 Adding Elements or Comments

To add an element or text comment to a file:

  1. Right-click an element in the left pane, click Add, then select one of the options from the submenu:

    • Element type: Available elements varies, depending on the DTD associated with the XML file. Only those elements that are valid for the entry point selected display in the menu.

    • Comment: Allows you to enter comment text that is visible for the element in the XML editor but are not processed when the XML file runs.

  2. To place a new element before or after the current element, select Before or After, then select the desired element or comment option.

  3. Specify the attributes for the element or enter comment text in the right pane.

    Required attributes are identified by a red flag in the right pane. Most attribute fields allow typing values. Some have drop-down lists.

    Attributes with check boxes represent fields with a Yes/No value. Select the check box to indicate Yes (or True) and leave it deselected to indicate No (or False).

  4. Save the file.