A.0 Service Level Management Demo

A demo database adapter, BusinessMetricDemo, showcasing business-based metrics, such as number of invoices processed and number of invoices rejected, is installed with Operations Center in the /OperationsCenter_install_path/demos directory. This demo system is customizable to leverage virtually any business metric data.

In order to use the Business Metric demo adapter, first create the demo database. After the database is created, the adapter is created to surface business data in Operations Center.

To demonstrate business-based service level objectives, such as number of invoices processed per hour or revenue generated daily, a database definition needs to be created for the Business Service Warehouse (BSW). The database definition must be created for the Data Warehouse Engine as well as the SLM Engine to run. After the database definition is created and configured, the SLM Engine starts to collect and measure against defined Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and objectives, and the Data Warehouse Engine starts to store all collected data.

Operational Level Agreements are defined in the Operations Center browser. This demo creates simple SLAs. After data is captured, the SLA data can be viewed in the Operations Center console and the dashboard.