4.4 Overriding SLAs

Because requirements for an agreement might vary (or be more or less demanding) for child elements, it is possible to adjust agreement settings at a selected level with an agreement override.

For example, you might want to change the calendar and/or time zone associated with a portion of the hierarchy, or you might want to add or remove objectives for a portion of the hierarchy.

To override agreement settings for a specific element:

  1. In the Explorer pane, right-click an element in the Elements or Services hierarchy, then click Properties.

  2. Under Administration, click Service Level Agreements.

  3. In the Service Level Agreements property page, click the Objectives tab.

  4. Click the Agreement drop-down list, then select an agreement.

    All agreement settings and objectives display in the Objectives tab, but are dimmed out (unavailable for editing).

  5. Click Override Agreement.

  6. Make the necessary changes to the agreement and/or objectives.

    If necessary, define new objectives.

  7. Click Apply to save the override for the agreement.