A.8 Cisco Info Center

Table A-8 Cisco Info Center Adapter Properties




The file used to construct a map between Operations Center and CIC users. Comments at the top provide details on how to assemble the AccountMap file. The default is examples/CICAccountMap.properties.


If True, an acknowledged alarm contributes to element condition and alarm counts. The default is true.

For example, assume there is an element with one critical event

counts= 1‑CRITICAL element=RED

Acknowledge the alarm and set AckAffectsCondition to true. This results in reducing the alarm count by one and changing the element condition to green:

counts= 0‑CRITICAL element=GREEN

Acknowledge the alarm and set AckAffectsCondition to false. The result is the alarm still exists and the condition remains unchanged after acknowledging it:

counts= 1‑CRITICAL element=RED


The file used to define alarm columns, The default is examples/NetcoolAlarmColumns.properties.


A comma-separated list that determines which alarm columns display and the order in which the alarm items display (date/time, rule, etc.) in the Alarms view. For CIC, the default is:

Node, Count=Tally, Acknowledged, Description=Summary


Maps the Cisco Info Center severity codes to Operations Center severity codes. List the Cisco Info Center severity code first. The default is:



If True, polls on an active basis to check for connection to CIC server. The default is True.


The length of time, in seconds, to age out elements. If no open alarms exist and the element’s condition does not change in n seconds, and the element has no children, then the element disappears. The element redisplays if another alarm is generated. The default is 300 seconds.

ElementsTimeout < 0: Never time out.

ElementsTimeout = 0: Time out immediately.

ElementsTimeout > 0: Time out after specified time expires.


A file in the /OperationsCenter_install_path/database directory that contains an XML description of the element hierarchy to build below the adapter element. The default is examples/CICHierarchy.xml.


A list of CIC token values that determine console connectivity. If Operations Center finds one of these tokens in an alarm, it uses the token to assign connectivity. The default is Node.


The time interval used to check for updates for a specific Cisco Info Center integration. Overrides the Netcool global IDUC timer setting. The default is 60. Valid values are greater than 5 seconds.


The maximum number of alarms that the adapter queries and retains. The default is 0, which allows an unlimited number of alarms.


The user name for connecting to the object server. The default is root.


The host location of the object server.


The name of the object server. The default is INFOSERVER.


The password for the user name supplied as the ObjectServerAccount.


The port on which the object server host listens. The default is 4100.


The version of Object Server software that is installed.


The CIC object server menu table used to populate the right-click operations for CIC alarms. The default is to leave blank, which then uses the default AlertsMenu CIC menu. Specify a different menu table name and the adapter attempts to use that menu table. If it fails, no menu operations display and a warning is logged in the formula.trc file.


The security level for the relay server: SSL or unsecured (meaning use cleartext, which is not case-sensitive). The default is SSL.


The name of the server on which the relay connection exists. For details on setting up a relay connection, see Integration Using a Secure Relay Connection.


The port number configured for use by the Cisco Info Center adapter for relay communications.


A script that executes when the adapter successfully connects to the object server. The default is:


This script calculates the time differential (skew) between the Operations Center and object servers. This skew then affects calculations of the dates or time stamps for user presentation and information logging/stamping.

If the Operations Center server runs on the same machine as the CIC server, then there is no skew to calculate. In this case, the time skew script is unnecessary.

If a site synchronizes the time for its servers using the standard UNIX timeserver service (usually port 37), then the difference in time between the Operations Center server and the machine running the CIC server might be negligible. In this case, ignore this parameter.

The supplied script calculates the difference in time between the Operations Center server and the target CIC server by running the REXEC protocol to invoke the date command on the UNIX host. If the CIC server runs on a different operating system, or if a site has restricted the access to the REXEC protocol, use a different mechanism to calculate the difference in time between the machine running Operations Center and the CIC server.

If using a different mechanism, study the supplied script as a model for making adjustments to the Operations Center CIC adapter. The script invokes the adapter method setServerTimeSkew() using the number of milliseconds (seconds multiplied by 1000) of difference between the Operations Center server and CIC server.


A script that executes when the adapter disconnects from the object server.


A script that executes if the adapter fails for any reason. For example, the script can print the reason for the failure as msg using log.info(msg).


A script that executes when the adapter initializes. All of the Script.* properties are optional.


A script that executes when the adapter is starts.


A script that executes after manually stopping the adapter.


The stylesheet file in the /OperationsCenter_install_path/database directory that applies to the HierarchyFile as a style markup and produces the final output.

UseAlarmTimesFor CondChanges

The date/time stamp to use for all alarm data stored by the Operations Center Data Warehouse. If true, the alarm’s date/time stamp is used. If false, the date/time stamp of when the Operations Center server received the alarm is used. The default is true.