A.3 BMC Remedy Action Request System (ARS)

Table A-3 BMC Remedy ARS Adapter Properties



Alarm Columns

A comma-separated list that determines which alarm columns display and the order in which the alarm items display (source of alarm, alarm class, etc.) in the Alarms view. A suggested list is:

assignedTo, description, status, lastModifiedBy, createDate, submitter

When adding a polled field to list, the column name must be prefixed with an underscore. For example, _polledFieldName.

Configuration File

The file containing BMC Remedy ARS configuration settings. The default is RemedyConfiguration.xml.

Hierarchy File

A relative file name in the /OperationsCenter_install_path/database directory. The file contains an XML description of the hierarchy of elements built below the element that represents the adapter. The default is examples/RemedyHierarchy.xml.

Max Alarms Per Poll

The maximum number of alarms to retrieve per schema per poll period. The default is 500.

Max Alarms Per Schema

The maximum number of alarms that Operations Center actively maintains per Remedy Schema. Exceeding this number removes the oldest alarm. The default is 500.

Polling Interval

The number of seconds between queries for new tickets or re-queries for updating existing tickets. The default is 10.

Remedy Host Name

The hostname on which BMC Remedy ARS resides. This is a required property.

Remedy Password

The corresponding password for the provided user.

Remedy Server Port

The port number used by the Remedy ARS server. Configure this property only if Remedy Port-Mapper is not used and if the system uses version 7.x or later of the Remedy API JAR files.

Remedy User Name

The user name for the Remedy user account. This is a required property.


A script that executes if the adapter fails for any reason. For example, the script can print the reason for the failure as msg using log.info(msg).


A script that executes when the adapter initializes.


A script that executes when the adapter starts, either manually or automatically when the Operations Center server starts.


A script that executes after manually stopping the adapter.

Show Query Info

If True, displays query statistics in the Operations Center log per schema, per poll period, after creating, updating, or deleting an alarm. The default is false.

Stylesheet File

The stylesheet file in the /OperationsCenter_install_path/database directory that applies to the HierarchyFile as a style markup to produce the final output.

Use Alarm Times For Condition Changes

The date/time stamp to use for all alarm data stored by the Operations Center Data Warehouse. If true, the alarm’s date/time stamp is used. If false, the date/time stamp of when the Operations Center server received the alarm is used. The default is true.

Alarm history is stored based on the alarm time rather than alarm receipt time. Also, for SLA metric data based on alarm properties, the property values are recorded based on the alarm time instead of the alarm receipt time. Note that recording historical condition data for historical alarms is not supported.

Use String Pooling

If True, uses alarm and element property string pooling. The default is true.