1.1 Security Mechanisms

Operations Center provides security mechanisms in the following areas:

  • Identification and authentication (I&A): Use either the Operations Center native I&A mechanism or an external method, such as LDAP, to identify and authenticate users who want to access data.

  • Access control permissions: Provide the appropriate access privileges to each user by assigning a permission level. Permissions include password management as well as access control to servers, databases, and specific features.

  • Communication security: Information is protected when transmitted over a communications channel. Use code signing certificates to verify code issued by Operations Center. Operations Center supports SSL, nonsecure, and mixed mode communications between the client and server.

  • Client software deployment: The Operations Center client software is deployed by using a public/private key certificate chain through a public trusted certificate authority.

  • System configuration settings: Configuration information is secured by encryption or digital signatures, or both.

  • Auditing: Keep a log of all management activity for the purposes of review and troubleshooting.