A.5 Applying the Ambient Node Style to the Drawing

The Ambient node style changes all elements that currently use the system default node style. It is a way to quickly change multiple nodes at once. Drag and drop a node style to the drawing background.

To apply the Ambient node style to all elements in a drawing:

  1. In the Explorer pane, click Services > Service Models > RenderingTesting.

    At this point, no node style has been set relative to the drawing so the system default of Gradient Bubble is used.

  2. Under Administration > Graphics > Node Styles, drag and drop the RenderingTestAmbient node style to the background of the drawing.

    Be sure to drop on the background and not on an element in the drawing.

  3. When prompted, click Yes to set the Ambient node style.

  4. Verify that the drawing resembles the following:

  5. Save the drawing.

  6. Refresh the associated Operations Center dashboard page and verify the same view displays.