6.4 Defining Proxy Settings

If a test requires accessing Web sites through proxy servers, create proxy definitions in Experience Manager. During deployment, the tests load all associated proxy definitions.

To create a proxy definition:

  1. In the Explorer pane, expand the Elements root element > Experience Manager Adapter > Administration > Test Administration.

  2. Right-click Proxies, then click Create Proxy to open the Create Proxy dialog box:

  3. Type values for the proxy settings:

    Name: Name for the proxy definition.

    Host Name: The proxy server name.

    Port: The proxy server port number. The default is 8080.

    User Name: Type the user name for the proxy account. If none is required, leave this text box blank.

    Password: Type the password for the proxy account. If no password is required, leave this text box blank.

    Bypass List: Type hostnames that are bypassed during Web scenario tests. Use a semicolon to separate multiple hosts.

  4. Click the Create button to save the proxy definition. The new proxy definition displays under the Proxies element.