A.2 Viewing the Default System Properties

To view the default system.properties on your installation, open the copy of the system.properties file contained in the /OperationsCenter_Dashboard_install_path/server/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/lib/portal-impl.jar file.

The system.properties file cannot be edited.

The code for the default system.properties file is as follows:

## Java
    # The file encoding must be set to UTF-8 in order for the
    # internationalization to work correctly.
    # Java uses the underlying operating system to generate images. If you are
    # using UNIX and do not start the portal in a X Windows session, then Java
    # will not know how to generate images and you'll get lots of nasty
    # exceptions. Setting this property to true will fix that. Sometimes this
    # property cannot be set dynamically when the server starts and you'll need
    # to edit your start script to include this as a system property.
    # Set the default language.
    # The time zone must be set GMT so that the portal knows how to properly
    # translate time across time zones.
## Servlet Filters
    # If the user can unzip compressed HTTP content, the compression filter will
    # zip up the HTTP content before sending it to the user. This will speed up
    # page rendering for users that are on dial up.
    # The strip filter will remove blank lines from the outputted content. This
    # will speed up page rendering for users that are on dial up.
    # The layout cache filter will cache pages to speed up page rendering for 
    # guest users. Set the refresh time in milliseconds on how often the cache
    # should refresh. Set it to 0 if the cache never times out. Default time
    # is set to one hour.
    # The virtual host filter maps hosts to public and private pages. For
    # example, if the public virtual host is www.helloworld.com and the friendly
    # URL is /helloworld, then http://www.helloworld.com is mapped to
    # http://localhost:8080/web/helloworld.
    # The CAS filter will redirect the user to the CAS login page for SSO. See
    # http://www.ja-sig.org/products/cas for more information.
## Logging
    # Set any logger that implements org.apache.commons.logging.Log.
    # Set the following to true if Log4j complains that it was not properly
    # configured.
## Encryptor
    # Set the security provider class.
    # Set the location of the HTTP proxy that the portal will use to fetch
    # external content.
    # These are read for backwards compatibility and only used if the
    # "http.proxyHost" and "http.proxyPort" settings are not specified.
    # Set the proxy authentication type.
    # Set user name and password used for HTTP proxy authentication.
    # Set additional properties for NTLM authentication.
    # Set the connection timeout when fetching HTTP content.
## Format
    # Set the location of the class that implements
    # com.liferay.format.PhoneNumberFormat. This class will format phone
    # numbers.
## Axis
    # Urls that match the specified pattern will use the SimpleHTTPSender. Urls
    # that do not match the specified pattern will use Axis' default HTTPSender.
## XSS (Cross Site Scripting)
    # Set the pattern to strip text of XSS hacks.
## Upload Servlet Request
    # Set the maximum file size. Default is 1024 * 1024 * 1000.
    # Set the temp directory for uploaded files.
## Session Parameters
    # Encrypt session parameters so that browsers cannot remember them.
## Lucene
    # Set a timeout to avoid lock errors.
## Quartz
    # Make threads daemon so the JVM exits cleanly.
## Velocity Engine
    # Input a list of comma delimited class names that extend
    # com.liferay.util.velocity.VelocityResourceListener. These classes will
    # run in sequence to allow you to find the applicable ResourceLoader
    # to load a Velocity template.