5.1 Viewing CI Details

CIs can be located various ways through CMS, including from a tag cloud, the pinboard, or via a search.

To view CI details:

  1. Anywhere a CI name is linked, click it to view or edit the CI details.

  2. To view or edit any of the following information, click the associated link at the top of the page:

    Definition: CI name and class.

    Attributes: CI properties.

    Relationships: Relationship rules associate the CI with other CIs. You can navigate a visual diagram of related CIs.

    Impacts: You can navigate a visual diagram of CIs the current CI impacts.

    History: A list and calendar timeline of all events related to the CI.

    Flags: A list of all flags and comments on the CI.

    For more information about creating CIs or editing CI information, see Section 6.0, Contributing to the CMDB.

  3. While viewing or editing CI details and you think someone else might have updated the same CI, click (Refresh) to update information.