A.19 Mercury Application Mapping

Table A-19 Mercury Application Mapping Adapter Properties



Alarm Columns

A comma-separated list that determines which alarm columns display and the order in which the alarm items display (source of alarm, alarm class, etc.) in the Alarms view. A suggested list is:

assignedTo, description, status, lastModifiedBy, createDate, submitter


The name of the database that stores the Mercury Application Mapping repository.

Database Schema

The name of the Mercury Application Mapping schema in the database.

Elements Timeout

The number of seconds to display an element after all alarms have expired. Specify -1 to never remove elements, 0 to remove elements immediately.

Hierarchy File

A file in the /OperationsCenter_install_path/database directory that contains an XML description of the element hierarchy to build below the adapter element. The default is examples/Mercury Application MappingHierarchy.xml.


The server where the Mercury Application Mapping database resides. Default is localhost.

Link Classes as Children A to B

When Object Classes to Discover is specified and in use, a comma-separated list of Mercury Application Mapping link classes to populate parent/child elements in Operations Center. Specify link classes that are to populate elements translating source endpoints as parent elements and destination endpoints as their children. These elements show in the adapter hierarchy under Elements. This setting is ignored if the Root Object Classes to Discover property is specified.

Link Classes as Children B to A

When Object Classes to Discover is specified and in use, a comma-separated list of Mercury Application Mapping link classes to populate parent/child elements in Operations Center. Specify link classes that are to populate elements translating destination endpoints as parent elements and source endpoints as their children. These elements show in the adapter hierarchy under Elements. This setting is ignored if the Root Object Classes to Discover property is specified.

Link Classes as Relationships A to B

When Object Classes to Discover is specified and in use, a comma-separated list of Mercury Application Mapping link classes to populate named relationships in Operations Center. Specify link classes that are to populate relationships with source endpoints remaining as the relationship source and destination endpoints remaining as the relationship destination. These relationships only show in the Relationship view and not in the adapter hierarchy. This setting is ignored if the Root Object Classes to Discover property is specified.

Link Classes as Relationships B to A

When Object Classes to Discover is specified and in use, a comma-separated list of Mercury Application Mapping link classes to populate named relationships in Operations Center. Specify link classes that are to populate relationships with source endpoints becoming the relationship destination and destination endpoints shown as the relationship source. These relationships only show in the Relationship view and not in the adapter hierarchy. This setting is ignored if the Root Object Classes to Discover property is specified.

Max Runtime Info Alarms

The maximum number of runtime information alarms to populate the adapter’s Runtime Information branch under Elements. If set to any value 0 or below, no runtime information alarms are populated. Default is -1.

Object Classes to Discover

A comma-separated list of Mercury Application Mapping system object classes to be populated in the adapter’s Network branch under Elements. This setting is ignored if the Root Object Classes to Discover property is set. Default is host,ip,BusinessService,nt,unix,configfile,disk,file,interface,ipserver,memory,cpu.


The password for the user account to access the Mercury Application Mapping database.


The port number on which the database host listens. Default is 1521.

Root Objects Classes to Discover

A comma-separated list of Mercury Application Mapping root object classes to be populated in the adapter’s Network branch under Elements. This setting takes precedence over and ignores setting in the Object Classes to Discover and Link Classes properties. Default is BusinessService.


A script that executes if the adapter fails for any reason. For example, the script can print the reason for the failure as msg using log.info(msg).


A script that executes when the adapter initializes. All of the Script.* properties are optional.


A script that executes when the adapter starts, either manually or automatically when the Operations Center server starts.


A script that executes after manually stopping the adapter.

User Name

The user account to access the Mercury Application Mapping database. Default is cmdb.