A.6 BMC Software PATROL Enterprise Manager

Table A-6 BMC Software PATROL Enterprise Manager (PEM) Adapter Properties




A file located in the /OperationsCenter_install_path/databases/examples directory that constructs a map between Operations Center and Enterprise Manager users. The comments at the top of this file provide details on how to assemble the AccountMap file. The default is CPAccountMap.properties.


If True, an acknowledged alarm contributes to element condition and alarm counts. The default is true.

For example, assume there is an element with one critical event

counts= 1‑CRITICAL element=RED

Acknowledge the alarm and set AckAffectsCondition to true. This results in reducing the alarm count by one and changing the element condition to green:

counts= 0‑CRITICAL element=GREEN

Acknowledge the alarm and set AckAffectsCondition to false. The result is the alarm still exists and the condition remains unchanged after acknowledging it:

counts= 1‑CRITICAL element=RED


The length of time, in seconds, that an alarm should be retained. Alarms older than AlarmAgeOutInSec are aged out by a periodic worker thread that runs every minute. Upon adapter startup, all PEM events that are older than AlarmAgeOutInSec are ignored. All incoming events that are older than AlarmAgeOutInSec are also ignored. The default is 300.


Set to a value greater than zero to enable the Query Alert History right-click option on the PEM adapter element, which enables users to query historical alarms in the PEM persistent store. When selected, the Query Alert History option enables users to specify start and stop date/time boundaries for displaying historical alarms. Set this property to the length of time, in seconds, to retain the historical alarm window. Used in conjunction with the AlarmAgeOutInSec property, which must be set to a value greater than zero.


A comma-separated list that determines which alarm columns display and the order in which the alarm items display (date/time, rule, etc.) in the Alarms view. The default list is:

Tool ID, Pri, Ct, Desc, Cmnt, Ack, Acpt, Category, Operator, Description


Used to filter the alarms received from the PEM database. Contains the value used directly in the WHERE clause of two SQL statements that retrieve alarms from the PEM database. The query runs at adapter startup. The default is state = 1, which means that the default SQL statement executed against the database is select * from alerts where state = 1 (where 1=CRITICAL). The queries that run at adapter startup are:

select * from alerts where "+ AlarmFilterOnStartup +" order by timeReceived desc
select * from alerts where "+ AlarmFilterOnStartup +" and alertId in ( " + reRetrieve + " )"

The property value must be a properly formatted WHERE clause of an SQL statement. For example, to filter by severity (in addition to state), set the property value to: state=1 and OSISeverity = X. Restart the adapter after modifying this property. This property and AlarmFilterRuntime represent two different types of queries that can be executed from of the PEM adapter.

Knowledge of the PEM database table structure is required. An improperly formatted WHERE clause of an SQL statement causes the adapter to not start.


Registers a filter/listener with PEM. The property value is used directly in WHERE clause of the query: create filter 0 from events, alerts where " + AlarmFilterRuntime.

For more information about the Events and Alerts tables for PEM, see the PEM Automation Guide.


The user name for the CP Database. The default is NetCmmnd.


The host location of the PATROL Enterprise Manager database. Since different parts of the PATROL Enterprise Manager system can reside on different servers, it is necessary to specify the database location.


The password used to access the PATROL Enterprise Manager database.


The port number on which the database host listens. The default is 2043.


The host location of the PATROL Enterprise Manager Event Handler Daemon (EHD).


The port on which the PATROL Enterprise Manager Event Handler Daemon listens. The default is 3102.


The length of time, in seconds, that the adapter directly queries the EHD. EHDPullOnTimeout must be set to True; otherwise, this property value is ignored. The default is 60 seconds.


Queries the EHD using the time interval specified as seconds. If EHDPullOnTimeout is set to True, the adapter enters a mode where it queries the EHD directly. It queries the EHD for the number of seconds specified in EHDPullDuration, at the time interval specified by EHDPullFrequency. The default is 10 seconds.


Set to True to have adapter query the EHD directly, using the duration and frequency specified by EHDPullDuration and EHDPullFrequency. Set to False (the default) to not use the direct query. If set to False, EHDPullDuration and EHDPullFrequency are ignored. Do not set to True unless experiencing problems where the EHD times out frequently.


The length of time to wait before Operations Center considers the EHD is down. This timeout elapses when there is no communication from the EHD. The default is 180 seconds.


The length of time, in seconds, to age out elements. If no open alarms exist and the element’s condition does not change in n seconds, and the element has no children, then the element disappears. The element redisplays if another alarm is generated. The default is 300 seconds.

ElementsTimeout < 0: Never time out.

ElementsTimeout = 0: Time out immediately.

ElementsTimeout > 0: Time out after specified time expires.


Set to True to include in the alarm history all events processed by PEM before the adapter connection is established. For example, if a PEM alert is created and closed while the adapter is unconnected to the PEM system, the alert is inserted into the alarm history when the adapter connects (provided the associated elements participated in the alarm profile).

This guarantees that alerts and events processed by PEM while the adapter is not connected are delivered to Operations Center when the adapter reconnects. Every alert and event is received by the SMP server in the state and order that it was processed by PEM, albeit with a delay related to the time the connection was down. SMP receives the alert and then immediately receives the Close event.

Set to False to include only the events that PEM processes while the adapter is connected.


A file in the /OperationsCenter_install_path/database directory that contains an XML description of the element hierarchy to build below the adapter element. The default is examples/CPHierarchy.xml.


A list of PATROL Enterprise Manager token values that determines console connectivity. If Operations Center finds one of these tokens in an alarm, it uses the token to assign connectivity. The default is null.


The maximum number of alarms that the adapter queries and retains. The default is 0, which allows an unlimited number of alarms.


The name of the server on which the relay connection exists. For details on setting up a relay connection, see Integration Using a Secure Relay Connection.


The port number configured for use by the PEM adapter for relay communications.


The security level for the relay server: ssl or unsecured (meaning use cleartext, which is not case-sensitive).


A script that executes if the adapter fails for any reason. For example, the script can print the reason for the failure as msg using log.info(msg).


A script that executes when the adapter is first initialized. All of the Script.* properties are optional.


A script that executes whenever the adapter is started.


A script that executes whenever the adapter is manually stopped.


This property is relevant for administrators who want to have console capability. The default, /etc/services, is appropriate for UNIX systems. For Windows systems, copy the /etc/services file to a location on the Windows server, and change the value of this property to reference the location of that file.


The stylesheet file in the /OperationsCenter_install_path/database directory that applies to the HierarchyFile as a style markup to produce the final output.

UseAlarmTimesFor CondChanges

The date/time stamp to use for all alarm data stored by the Operations Center Data Warehouse. If true, the alarm’s date/time stamp is used. If false, the date/time stamp of when the Operations Center server received the alarm is used. The default is true.