A.1 Sentinel Log Manager Upgrade Fails if the dbauser Password does not Match the dbauser Password Stored in the .pgpass File


When you upgrade Sentinel Log Manager, the database upgrade fails if the dbauser password does not match the password stored in the .pgpass file.

The behavior is different for different ways of installation:

Standard installer: The upgrade does not proceed and an appropriate message is displayed indicating the cause of the error and the workaround.

Appliance Console: The following error message is displayed:

Installing: novell-SLMdb- [error]
Installation of novell-SLMdb- failed:
(with --nodeps --force) Error: Subprocess failed. Error: RPM failed: Unable to login to the database, cannot continue with the upgrade. Check if the dbauser password specified in /home/novell/.pgpass is correct and try again.
error: %pre(novell-SLMdb- scriptlet failed, exit status 2
error:   install: %pre scriptlet failed (2), skipping novell-SLMdb-
Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i] (a):

WebYaST: WebYaST continues to indicate that an update is still available. You can check the /var/opt/novell/sentinel_log_mgr/log/install.log file to know the actual cause for this error.


Update the password in the .pgpass file with the current dbauser password and proceed with the upgrade. For information on the .pgpass file, see PostgreSQL documentation.

If you are upgrading using appliance console, perform either of the following:

If you are upgrading using WebYaST:

  1. Log in to the appliance console.

  2. Update the dbauser password in the /home/novell/.pgpass file.

  3. In the WebYaST, click Update All to continue the upgrade process.

    After the upgrade is complete, the System is up to date message is displayed in the WebYaST.