Sentinel Log Manager 1.2 and later require the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 SP1 platform. If you are upgrading to Sentinel Log Manager 1.2 or a later version, ensure that the operating system is upgraded to SLES 11 SP1.
For Sentinel Log Manager 1.2 and later to work successfully on SLES 11 SP1, the following RPMs or a later version must be installed:
Kernel patches:
Linux util RPMs:
Sentinel Log Manager 1.1.0.x uses squashfs version 3.4-35.1; however SLES 11 SP1 supports squashfs 4.0 and later, which is not backward compatible and cannot open a squashed file system created with previous squashfs versions. Installing these RPMs fixes the incompatibility issue between the squashfs versions of Sentinel Log Manager 1.1.0.x and SLES 11 SP1.
These RPMs are available through the SLES 11 online update channel. For more information on updating the SLES system, see YaST Online Update
in the SLES 11 SP1 Administration Guide.
NOTE:The installation does not proceed unless the above mentioned kernel patches and Linux util rpms are installed.
If you want to upgrade Sentinel Log Manager versions 1.1.x, you must first upgrade to Sentinel Log Manager and then install Sentinel Log Manager
Ensure that symbolic links have not been used for the following folders and subfolders:
opt/novell (Base folder)
etc/opt/novell (Configuration folder)
var/opt/novell (Data folder)
If symbolic links have been used, remove them; that is, move these directories back to the standard installation directories.