A.5 Upgrading Log Manager installed as a Non-Root User Other Than Novell User

The upgrade procedure fails if you try to upgrade the Novell Sentinel Log Manager 1.0 server installed as a non-root user other than the novell user. This issue occurs because of the nature of file permissions set during the Sentinel Log Manager 1.0 installation.

To upgrade the Sentinel Log Manager 1.0 server installed as a non-root user other than novell, do the following:

  1. Create novell user.

  2. Change the ownership of the Sentinel Log Manager 1.0 installation to novell:novell.

    chown -R novell:novell /opt/novell/<install_directory> 

    Change <install_directory> to the name of the installation directory. For example,

    chown -R novell:novell /opt/novell/sentinel_log_mgr_1.0_x86-64 
  3. Change the ESEC_USER entry in /etc/opt/novell/sentinel_log_mgr/config/esecuser.properties to novell.