The section describes the procedure to install Sentinel Log Manager on an existing SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 SP1 system by using the application installer. You can install the Sentinel Log Manager server in several ways: the standard installation procedure, the custom installation procedure, or the silent installation procedure where the installation proceeds without user input and uses the default values. You can also install Sentinel Log Manager as a non-root user.
If you choose the custom installation method, you have the option to install the product with a license key and also select an authentication option.You can set up LDAP authentication for Sentinel Log Manager in addition to the database authentication. When you configure Sentinel Log Manager for LDAP authentication, users can log in to the server by using their Novell eDirectory or Microsoft Active Directory credentials.
If you want to install multiple Sentinel Log Manager servers in your deployment, you can record the installation options in a configuration file and then use the file to run an unattended installation. See Section 3.4, Silent Installation for more information.