F.1 Data Retention Policies are not Displayed when there is Large Data in the Networked Storage

Sentinel Log Manager does not display the data retention policies if there is huge data in the networked storage. The du command runs for a longer time to find the disk usage and a message is displayed in the Web user interface indicating that refreshing retention policies timed out.

Workaround: Increase the time out period so that Sentinel Log Manager does not time out before retrieving the disk usage space.

  1. Log in to Sentinel Log Manager as novell user.

  2. Open the /etc/opt/novell/sentinel_log_mgr/config/server.xml file in an editor.

  3. Modify the taskTimeoutPeriod and diskStatsCheckInterval properties in the DiskStatisticsCache component such that the taskTimeoutPeriod is lesser than or equal to diskStatsCheckInterval. These value are in milliseconds.

    <obj-component id="DiskStatisticsCache">        <class>esecurity.ccs.comp.diskstatistics.DiskStatisticsCache</class>
    <property name="emaSmoothingFactor">0.2</property>
    <property name="diskStatsCheckInterval">400000</property> 
    <property name="taskTimeoutPeriod">300000</property>
  4. Restart Sentinel Log Manager.