14.1 Managing the Sentinel Log Manager Services

The command line utilities included with Novell Sentinel Log Manager are useful for managing and configuring many lower level functions of the system.

Table 14-1 Useful commands



Starting Sentinel Log Manager Service

/opt/novell/sentinel_log_mgr/bin/./server.sh start

Stopping Sentinel Log Manager Service

/opt/novell/sentinel_log_mgr/bin/./server.sh stop

Verifying the status of Sentinel Log Manager Service

/opt/novell/sentinel_log_mgr/bin/./server.sh status

Verifying the version of Sentinel Log Manager

/opt/novell/sentinel_log_mgr/bin/./server.sh version

Restarting the Sentinel Log Manager

/opt/novell/sentinel_log_mgr/bin/./server.sh restart

Starting the database

/opt/novell/sentinel_log_mgr/bin/./server.sh start db

Stopping the database

/opt/novell/sentinel_log_mgr/bin/./server.sh stopdb

Restart the Sentinel Log Manager service if it is running

/opt/novell/sentinel_log_mgr/bin/./server.sh try-restart

Forces the Sentinel Log Manager service to reload configuration.

/opt/novell/sentinel_log_mgr/bin/./server.sh force-reload