3.7 Uninstalling Novell Sentinel Log Manager

To uninstall Sentinel Log Manager, run the uninstall script and then perform the manual cleanup steps given below:

  1. Log in to the Sentinel Log Manager server as root.

  2. To stop the Sentinel Log Manager service, execute the following command:

    /etc/init.d/sentinel_log_mgr stop
  3. To run the uninstallation script, execute the following command:

  4. Delete the Sentinel Log Manager home directory and its contents.

    rm -rf /opt/novell/sentinel_log_mgr_1.0_x86-64

    If you want to retain or remove any information related to the novell user and group, use the following steps:

  5. (Conditional) If you do not want to retain any information related to the novell user, run the following command to remove the user, its home directory, and the group:

    userdel -r novell && groupdel novell

  6. (Conditional) If you want to retain the novell user and its home directory, then perform these steps to cleanup the Sentinel Log Manager settings that are stored in novell users home directory:

    1. Remove the following environment variable entries from the novell users profile in ~novell/.bashrz:

      APP_HOME=/opt/novell/sentinel_log_mgr_1.0_x86-64 export PATH=$APP_HOME/bin:$PATH

    2. Remove the dbauser entry from the PostgreSQL file:

      ~novell/.pgpass. *:*:*:dbauser:password

      The dbauser password is shown in clear text, but the contents of this file are only visible to the novell and root users, who already have full access to all functions on the Sentinel Log Manager server.