A.36 PlateSpin Orchestrate

Table A-35 PlateSpin Orchestrate



Alarm Columns

A comma-separated list that determines which alarm columns display and the order in which the alarm items display in the Alarms view.

PSO Custom VM Facts

Specify one or more fact names and label pairs in a comma deliminated list to display on the VM object’s property page using the following syntax:

resource.factname:label, resource2.factname2:label2

Where factname is the full factname for a VM, and the value is displayed on the object’s properties page. The propery name is formed by using CFACT-label.

For example, if we specified resource.disktype:Disk Type then the property name displayed would be CFACT-Disk Type and the value would be the value of resource.disktype, such as scsi.

To store the fact for correlation purposes without displaying on the properties page, add square brackets around the label. For example:


PSO Disk Percent Used Threshold (critical)

The percentage of repository disk space used that generates a critical alarm. For example, 95.

PSO Disk Percent Used Threshold (major)

The percentage of repository disk space used that generates a major alarm. For example, 90.

PSO Disk Percent Used Threshold (minor)

The percentage of repository disk space used that generates a minor alarm. For example, 80.

PSO Poll Interval (mins)

The interval at which the adapter performs an automatic full refresh of the hierarchy.

PSO User Name

The PSO admin account. A default install of PSO creates the zosadmin account. If a new admin account has been created, use the new account.

PSO Password

The password for the PSO admin account.

PSO Web Service URL

The Web service URL using the fully-qualified domain name for the PSO Server, such as:


For example, https://mycompanydnsname.com:8443/PsoRest/


A script that executes if the adapter fails for any reason. For example, the script can print the reason for the failure as msg using log.info(msg).


A script that executes when the adapter initializes.


A script that executes when the adapter starts, either manually or automatically when the Operations Center server starts.


A script that executes after stopping the adapter.

Show Stopped VMs as a Critical Condition

If true, stopped VMs show a condition of Critical. Defaults to false.