14.1 Understanding XML Tags for Operations Center Elements and Views

By examining any XML file, you begin to see from the various tags it contains that data is consistently categorized and identified within a hierarchical structure.

The well-formed XML file for Operations Center hierarchies contains basic tags and commands. At the simplest level, the XML file must contain this basic structure:

    <element>element definition tags</element>

Looking the following sample XML file that would be used to create a hierarchy of elements in Operations Center, we can see that the hierarchy created would contain a Test Element top element with a native child (Child Element) and a link to an existing technology branch (Tivoli TEC+):

<!DOCTYPE views PUBLIC "-//Novell, Inc.//DTD views 1.0//EN" "http://www.novell.com/dtds/views_1.0.dtd">

<views destroy="no">
    <tree start_at="root=Organizations">
        <name>Test Element</name> 
        <company>Enigma Corp</company> 
        <address>394 First Street, Fairfax, VA</address> 
        <secure name="simple" related="yes" self="yes" children="no"> 
          <grant names="GroupOne,GroupTwo" permissions="view,manage,access,define"/> 
          <deny names="GroupThree" permissions="access,define"/> 
          <name>Child Element</name>
          <company>Enigma Corp</company> 
          <address>394 First Street, Fairfax, VA</address> 
          <sref name="simple"/> 
          <relate kind="ORG">script=TivoliTec+/root=Elements</relate> 

For more information about the various XML tags used by Operations Center for the creation of element hierarchies, see Understanding XML Tags in the Operations Center 5.0 Server Configuration Guide.