2.7 Enabling Automatic User Login

The Operations Center server supports the automatic login of users. Enabling auto-login requires the following:

To enable automatic user login:

  1. Configure the following three properties in the formula.properties file as indicated:

    Server.header.auth.principal= should be set to the HTTP header name that will be used, such as remote-user.

    # Server.allow.auth.principal
    # Allow token based logins if true.
    # Server.header.auth.principal
    # Header used for the token login principal.
    # Server.header.auth.token
    # Header used for the token login token.
  2. Configure the following three properties in the applet-param.xml file as indicated:

    <param name="Connection.allow.auth.principal" value="true" />
    <param name="Connection.header.auth.principal" value="auth-principal" />
    <param name="Connection.header.auth.token" value="auth-token" />

    Connection.header.auth.principal and Connection.header.auth.token properties must have the same values as the corresponding properties in the formula.properties file.