4.4 Hardware Requirements

The Operations Center server must be installed on a server-class machine that supports the specified Java environment and one of the specified operating systems.

At a minimum, 2–4 GB RAM for 32‑bit and 8 GB RAM for 64‑bit and a dual-processor are needed, but more RAM might be required as memory and processing speed requirements depend upon your configuration, particularly the number of systems and amount of data being integrated into Operations Center. Therefore, it is necessary to tune the JVM memory settings based on your usage and environment. For help on determining more specific hardware requirements, contact Consulting.

For more information regarding memory requirements and configuration, see the Operations Center 5.0 Server Installation Guide.

Disk space requirements vary based on the size and configuration of your environment. Below are minimum disk space estimates for the Operations Center server and components.

If you need help determining more specific disk space requirements, contact Consulting.