11.3 Account Tracking Information Is Not Written to the Sentinel Server

Some times the account tracking information is not written to the Sentinelâ„¢ server. When the Sentinel driver attempts to write messages to the JMS destination of the Sentinel server, it tries to verify the hostname of the target system. If the Sentinel driver cannot verify the hostname of the Sentinel server (either through regular DNS or an entry in the Identity Vault server /etc/hosts file), the Sentinel driver fails to write the account tracking information to the Sentinel server and no Identities are sent or processed on the Sentinel server.

The Sentinel driver reports the error javax.jms.JMSException: java.netUnknownHostException followed by the JMS connection information as seen through ndstrace or iMonitor. This error message contains the hostname of the Sentinel server to which the Sentinel driver is attempting to connect.

The solution to this problem is to enter a valid A record in the nameserver that your Identity Vault server is using, or make the appropriate address name entry in the Identity Vault /etc/host file.