iManager Readme

April 2013

This Readme contains the following sections:

1.0 What’s New

iManager 2.7.6. includes the following product enhancements:

1.1 Microsoft Internet Explorer browser support

iManager now supports accessing the user interface using the Microsoft Internet Explorer 10.0 version.

1.2 Tomcat and Java support

iManager now supports Tomcat 7.0.32. and Java 1.7.0_04 versions.

1.3 Improved Upgrade process

iManager now ensures a smooth upgrade process. During upgrade, the installer replaces the existing JRE and Tomcat versions with the latest versions. This also upgrades iManager to the latest version.

2.0 Downloading and Upgrading the iManager Support Pack

IMPORTANT:iManager 2.7.4 and later are not supported on NetWare.

iManager support packs do not make a backup of the files that are replaced. The only way to roll back to a previous state is to back up all files before applying the support pack and then manually restore the backed up files.

Also, iManager support packs must be installed on all iManager servers in your environment. Support packs do not automatically replicate other iManager servers in your tree.

After you install the iManager support pack, iManager is non-functional until you restart Tomcat.

To download and install the iManager 2.7.6 support pack:

2.1 Upgrading to iManager 2.7.6 on Linux

If the iManager 2.7.6 installation detects a previously installed version of iManager 2.7.x, it prompts you to upgrade the installed version. If you choose to upgrade it, the installer replaces the existing JRE and Tomcat versions with the latest versions. This will also upgrade the iManager to the latest version.

To prepare for the installation, review the checklist of prerequisites provided in “General Prerequisites on Page 10 and “Linux Prerequisites” in iManager 2.7.6 Installation Guide.

iManager installs the following products during installation:

  • Tomcat 7.0.32

  • Java 1.7.0_04

  • Upgrade to latest iManager

IMPORTANT:Do not install the standalone iManager release on a server running any OES version. Instead, you must use the OES version's patch channel to upgrade to the latest iManager version.

  1. At the Novell Downloads Web site, search for iManager products, select iManager 2.7.6, then download iMan_276_linux.tgz to a directory on your server.

  2. Use the following command to extract to the iManager folder:

    tar -zxvf iMan_276_linux.tgz

  3. Open a shell and change to the /extracted_directory/iManager/installs/linux directory

    This path is relative to the directory where you copied or extracted the iManager files.

  4. Enter one of the following commands while logged in as root or root‐equivalent.

    To do a command-line (text) install, enter the following command:


    ./iManagerInstallLinux.bin -i gui

    To do a GUI install, enter the following command:

    ./iManagerInstallLinux.bin -i gui

    After a successful install, the installer generates a configuration file (/var/log/ with values based upon the questions asked during the install. This file can then be modified and used for a silent install. See “Silent Installation “section in iManager 2.7.6 Installation Guide.

  5. On the iManager splash screen, select a language, then click OK.

  6. At the Upgrade prompt, select Upgrade.

  7. Read through the Introduction, then click Next

  8. Accept the license agreement, then click Next.

    NOTE:By default, the HTTP port and SSL port values that were configured in the previous version of iManager will be used to configure the latest version of iManager.

  9. Read the Pre-Upgrade Summary page and click Next.

    During upgrade, new iManager files are installed and they cause configuration changes. Upgrade can take several minutes. After completion, the Upgrade Complete page displays the success or failure status of the installation.

  10. Click Done to quit the installer.

    A browser window appears which displays the Getting Started page.

    Wait for iManager to initialize before attempting access.

    To access iManager, click the first link on the Getting Started page, then log in. For more information, see Accessing iManager in the Novell iManager 2.7.6 Administration Guide.

    IMPORTANT:After the upgrade, the server.xml and context.xml configuration files are saved as server.xml.usave and context.xml.usave files. If you have modified the configuration files, the changes are lost during the upgrade. Therefore, to save the configuration changes after upgrade, copy the modified configuration files into your new configuration files.

2.2 Upgrading to iManager 2.7.6 on Windows

For information about running iManager Server on the same machine as Novell eDirectory, see Running eDirectory and iManager on the Same Machine (Windows only) in the Novell iManager 2.7.6 Administration Guide.

  1. Extract the file into the iManager folder.

  2. Run iManagerInstall.exe (extracted_directory\iManager\installs\win

  3. On the iManager splash screen, select a language, then click OK.

  4. On the introduction page, then click Next.

  5. Accept the license agreement, then click Next.

  6. At the Upgrade prompt, select Upgrade.

    NOTE:By default, the HTTP port and SSL port values that were configured in the previous version will be used to configure the latest version of iManager.

  7. Read the Detection Summary page, then click Next.

    The Detection Summary displays the latest version of Servlet container and JVM software that iManager will use once it is installed.

  8. Read the Pre-installation summary page, then click Install.

    During upgrade, new iManager files are installed and they cause configuration changes. Upgrade can take several minutes. After completion, the Upgrade Complete page displays the success or failure status of the installation.

    NOTE:On Windows, the Install Complete page displays the following error message in spite of a successful installation.

    The installation of iManager Install 2.7.6 is complete, but some errors occurred during the install.
    Please see the installation log <Log file path> for details. Press "Done" to quit the installer.

    If the specified error message is displayed, do the following:

    1. Make note of the log file path that is specified within the error message in the Install Complete page.

    2. In the Install Complete page, click Done.

    3. Open the log file.

    4. If you find the following error in the log file, you can ignore the error message. The installation was successful, and iManager functions properly.

      Custom Action: com.novell.application.iManager.install.InstallDLLs 
      Status: ERROR 
      Additional Notes: ERROR - class com.novell.application.iManager.install.InstallDLLs NonfatalInstallException C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcr71.dll (The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process)
  9. Click Done to quit the installer.

    A browser window appears which displays the Getting Started page.

    Wait for iManager to initialize before attempting access.

    To access iManager, click the first link on the Getting Started page, then log in. For more information, see Accessing iManager in the Novell iManager 2.7.6 Administration Guide

    IMPORTANT:After the upgrade, the server.xml and context.xml configuration files are saved as server.xml.usave and context.xml.usave files. If you have modified the configuration files, the changes are lost during the upgrade. Therefore, to save the configuration changes after upgrade, copy the modified configuration files into your new configuration files.

2.3 Upgrading to iManager on Linux

To upgrade iManager to the latest patch on Linux, see Upgrading to iManager on Linuxin the Novell iManager 2.7.6 Installation Guide.

2.4 Upgrading to iManager on Windows

To upgrade iManager to the latest patch on Windows, see Upgrading to iManager on Windowsin the Novell iManager 2.7.6 Installation Guide.

3.0 Issues Resolved in iManager 2.7.6

The following issues are resolved in the iManager 2.7.6 release:

  • The installer displays a warning message when you install iManager on unsupported platforms.

  • When you upgrade iManager, Tomcat and JRE are also upgraded to the latest versions.

  • You can set the HttpOnly flag for application cookies in iManager.

  • iManager supports object browsing for more than 1000 volume objects.

  • All dependent libraries required to run iManager on RHEL are updated in the iManager Installation section.

  • When you change the syntax of an attribute and try to edit the syntax in the other tab, the attribute page displays the correct syntax.

  • iManager deletes the temporary auxiliary class jsp files when you delete the auxiliary class.

4.0 Known Issues

The following issues exist in iManager 2.7.6

4.1 Tree View Issues

The following issues exist in the Tree tab of the Object View:

4.1.1 Tree View Does Not Save State Information

The Tree view does not currently save its state, including the current position within the tree, when switching between the Tree view and the Browse/Search tabs.

4.1.2 Operations Under the View Objects do not function properly in Internet Explorer 10 Default Mode

When you click View objects, you cannot perform any popup related operations in Tree view, Browse, and Search tabs.

To workaround this issue, launch Internet Explorer 10 in compatibility mode.

4.2 iManager Base Content Module 2.7.6 is Listed in the Available Novell Plugin Module Page After you Upgrade iManager on Windows

After you upgrade to iManager 2.7.6 on Windows, the iManager Base Content 2.7.6 module is listed in the Available Novell Plugin Modules page. You need not install the iManager Base Content again as it is already installed during the upgrade.

4.3 iManager Does Not Support Metro User Interface View in Internet Explorer 10 on Windows 7 and 8

iManager 2.7.6 does not support metro user interface view for Internet Explorer 10.0 in Windows 7.0 and 8.0 versions.

4.4 Issues with the Latest RHEL Platform Versions

  • iManager GUI mode installation does not work on the latest RHEL 5.8, 5.9, and 6.3 versions.

  • While installing the latest eDirectory plugin on RHEL 5.8 64-bit, iManager throws the following exception message:

    File not found exception message

    To workaround this issue, restart Tomcat.

5.0 Documentation

For more information on iManager, see the iManager documentation Web site.

For a full list of all issues resolved in Novell iManager 2.7, including all patches and service packs, refer to TID 7010166, “History of Issues Resolved in Novell iManager 2.7.”.