9.7 Configuring Audit for iManager in Strict Mode

  1. Create an user certificate for iManager using eDirectory. For more information, see Creating User Certificates in the NetIQ Certificate Server Administration Guide.

  2. Export the certificate to .pfx format. For more information, see Importing a Public Key Certificate into a User Object in the NetIQ Certificate Server Administration Guide.

  3. Extract the private key to imanipkey.pem and certificate to imanicert.pem files. Copy the generated certificate files (imanicert.pem and imanipkey.pem) to the respective folders of iManager server.

    For Windows:

    • c:\windows\imanicert.pem

    • c:\windows\imanipkey.pem

    For Linux:

    • /etc/imanicert.pem

    • /etc/imanipkey.pem

    Use the following command to extract the Private key and Certificate:

    • To extract private key: openssl pkcs12 -in imanP12File.pfx -nocerts -out imanipkey.pem -nodes

    • To extract certificate: openssl pkcs12 -in imanP12File.pfx -clcerts -nokeys -out imanicert.pem

  4. Copy the CA certificate (SSCert.pem) of the eDirectory server from /var/opt/novell/eDirectory/data and add it to the Keysotre file of the Audit Connector using the following command:

    /keytool -importcert -file SSCert.pem -keystore audit_keystore -alias "eDir-CA"
  5. Import the audit_keystore file to Audit Connector which is set to Strict Mode in Sentinel server.

  6. Configure iManager for auditing and restart Tomcat. For more information, see Enabling Novell Audit in iManager.