Perform the following tasks after deploying the iManager container:
To install the Plug-ins, perform the following steps:
Login to iManager.
Go to Configure > Plug-in Installation.
Add the Plug-ins from the local file system if the required plug-ins cannot be downloaded from the external download site. Alternatively, you can add plugins to the available iManager plug-ins list using bind mount. For more information, see Installing the iManager Plug-Ins During Container Startup.
Install the required plug-ins from the available iManager plug-ins list.
Restart the iManager container using docker restart iMan320
NOTE:Restarting iManager will restart Tomcat and populate the plug-ins inside iManager-volume.
After deploying the iManager container, you must replace the temporary self-signed certificates for iManager. For more information, see Replacing the Temporary Self-Signed Certificates for iManager.