This section explains how to uninstall iManager on the following platforms:
IMPORTANT:As a precaution, before uninstalling iManager, back up any custom content or other special iManager files that you want to preserve.
There is no specific sequence in which iManager or the associated third-party components must be uninstalled.
There are, of course, ramifications to uninstalling any of these components. For example, if you uninstall either the Web server or the servlet container, you cannot run iManager. Also, on all platforms, the uninstall removes only files that it installed in the first place. If there are files that were created by the application (for example, the log files and auto-generated configuration files that are created while Tomcat runs), these are not deleted by the uninstall because it did not install them.
Likewise, if you have created new files or modified existing files within the directory structure that was originally laid down during the install, these files are not removed by the uninstall. This is a safeguard so that data is not unintentionally deleted when a product is uninstalled.
Uninstalling iManager does not affect any of the RBS configurations that you have set in your tree. The uninstall procedure does not remove log files or custom content.
If you try reinstalling iManager when these directories are not cleaned, the installation does not successfully complete and the installer throws some errors.