6.3 Deploying the WAR File

Deploy the WAR file using the WebSphere deployment tools.

6.3.1 Additional Configuration for WebSphere 6.1

If you are using WebSphere 6.1, you need to update the ibm-web-ext.xmi file after deploying the WAR. You need to add an entry similar to the following in the ibm-web-ext.xmi file after the WAR has been deployed:

<jspAttributes xmi:id="JSPAttribute_3" name="jdkSourceLevel" value="15"/>

The name must be jdkSourceLevel and the value must 15. You will need to use _3 or above for the JSPAttribute id. For more information, see the following links:

After completing the deployment of the WAR, perform these steps:

  1. Stop the WebSphere Application Server.

  2. Modify the ibm-web-ext.xmi file, as described above. The file location should be specified in your IBM documentation. For example, the file might be at this location:

  3. Restart the WebSphere Application Server.