24.2 Password Management Web Service Interface

This section provides reference information for each forgot password operation available through the Password Management interface.

24.2.1 processForgotConf

Gets the forgot password configuration parameters.

This method returns an object of type ForgotPasswordConfWSBean. This object contains the following information about the configuration:

Table 24-1 ForgotPasswordConfWSBean Data



Configured Return Link

Provides the forgot password return link.

Show Return Link

Indicates whether to show the forgot password return link.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public ForgotPasswordConfWSBean processForgotConf() 
            throws RemoteException;

24.2.2 processUser

Retrieves forgot password configuration information for a user.

This method returns an object of type ForgotPasswordWSBean. If no match is found for the the user name specified, an error message is returned in the getUsers() method of ForgotPasswordWSBean. If multiple matches are found, the getUsers() method is returned with a String array of users. If a single match is found, the getUsers() method has a length of 1, and the following methods in ForgotPasswordWSBean are set:

  • getConfiguredRtnLink()

  • getShowReturnLink()

  • getShowHint()

  • getHint()

  • getShowFullDN()

  • getUserDisplayDN()

  • getUserDN()

  • getUser()

  • getMessage()

  • getAction()

  • getChallengeQuestions()

  • getChaResInUser()

  • getMessage()

When a single user match is found, the user should be presented with the Challenge Response screen. If getChaResInUse() returns false, then call processChaRes() and show the Forgot Success screen directly without presenting the Challenge Response screen.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public ForgotPasswordWSBean processUser(final String userName) 
            throws RemoteException;

The parameters are described below:

  • userName specifies the name of a user.

24.2.3 processChaRes

Processes one or more challenge response answers for a particular user.

If the challenge response operation is authenticated, the following events may occur:

  • If the password policy action is EmailHint, the operation will send an email with the hint to the user, and set the message to indicate that the operation succeeded. Therefore, the caller of this method should go to the Forgot Password Change Success screen, and display the message.

  • If the password policy action is ShowHint, the operation will set the message to the user’s hint. Therefore, the caller of this method should go to the Forgot Password Change Success screen, and display the message with the hint on the page.

  • If the password policy action is EmailPassword, the operation will set send the password to the user. Therefore, the caller of this method should go to the Forgot Password Change Success screen, and display the message.

  • If the password policy action is ChangePassword, the operation will set the password rules and the password hint. Therefore, the caller of this method should go to the Forgot Password Change screen.

This method returns an object of type ForgotPasswordWSBean. After the processCharRes operation is called, the following methods are populated with values:

  • getTimeout()

  • getRules()

  • getLocked()

  • getError()

  • getMessage()

If the getAction() method returned by the processUser() operation is ChangePassword, then present the user with the Password Change screen. Otherwise, go to the Forgot Success screen and present the user with the message returned from the getMessage() method.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public ForgotPasswordWSBean processChaRes(final String userDN, final String[] chaAnswers) throws RemoteException;

The parameters are described below:

  • userDN specifies the DN for a particular user.

  • chaAnswers provides an array of challenge response answers. The answers are processed in the order in which they are presented.

24.2.4 processChgPwd

Resets the password for a particular user.

After the processChgPwd operation is called, the following events may occur:

  • If the change password operation succeeds, the caller of this method should go to the Forgot Password Success screen, and display the success message.

  • If the change password operation fails, the error field on the ForgotPasswordWSBean object is set to true, and the message field is populated with the corresponding error message. Therefore, the caller of this method should stay on the password screen and display the error message.

This method returns an object of type ForgotPasswordWSBean. After the processChgPwd operation is called, the following methods are populated with values:

  • getTimeout()

  • getError()

If the getError() method returns false, you need to present the user with the Password Change Success screen.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public ForgotPasswordWSBean processChgPwd(final String userDN, final String newPassword, final String confirmPassword ) 
            throws RemoteException;

The parameters are described below:

  • userDN specifies the DN for a particular user.

  • newPassword supplies a password for the user.

  • confirmPassword repeats the password for confirmation.