This section provides details about the methods available with the VDX Web service. This API presumes you’re using Java code generated by the WSSDK toolkit. The API will be different if you’re using another Web Service toolkit.
All of the methods throw VdxServiceException. To improve readability, the throws clause has been omitted from the method signatures.
This section provides reference information for each method associated with the IRemoteVdx interface.
Returns the version number of the VDX service you’re running.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
VersionVO getVersion() throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
Allows you to execute predefined searches called global queries. Global queries are saved searches for LDAP. They provide some of the capabilities of stored procedures.
To define a global query, you need to use the directory abstraction layer editor. For details, see the chapter on the directory abstraction layer editor in the Identity Manager User Application: Design Guide.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
java.lang.String[] globalQuery(java.lang.String queryDN, StringMap queryParameterValues) throws VdxServiceException, java.rmi.RemoteException;
Allows you to perform ad hoc queries by specifying an entity, a set of attributes, and a query expression that filters the data returned.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
EntityAttributeMap query(java.lang.String entityDefinition, java.lang.String[] attributeKeys, java.lang.String queryFilter) throws VdxServiceException, java.rmi.RemoteException;
The queryFilter parameter of the query() method lets you pass in search criteria expressions that filter the data returned. This section describes the grammar for these expressions.
Query syntax 1: The simplest form of a query is the following:
Query syntax 2: A query can also combine relational expressions with a logical operator:
RelationalExpession1 logicalOperator RelationalExpression2
Query syntax 3: Alternatively, a query can use parentheses to set off the expressions:
(RelationalExpession1) logicalOperator (RelationalExpression2)
Query syntax 4: A query can also use parentheses to set off sub queries:
RelationalExpession1 logicalOperator (RelationalExpression2 logicalOperator1 RelationalExpression3)
Relational expressions must be separated by a logical operator which must remain the same. In other words, the following query is valid:
expression1 AND expression2 AND expression3
However, this query is not valid:
expression1 AND expression2 OR expression3
You can use parentheses to create a condition group, as in the following example:
expression1 AND (expression2 OR expression3)
Relational expression syntax: A relational expression must conform to this syntax:
attribute relationalOperator value
Relational operators: The relational operator must be one of the following:
> , < , >= , <= , = , != , !< , !> , !<= , !>= , STARTWITH, !STARTWITH, IN , !IN , PRESENT, !PRESENT
Logical operators: The logical operator must be one of the following:
Value: The value side of an expression must be one of the following:
'foo',"foo", 1-9, true, false
The PRESENT and !PRESENT relational operators require no value.
Returns a single Attribute object that can be used to retrieve and examine data for an attribute in the directory abstraction layer.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
Attribute getAttribute(java.lang.String objectDN, java.lang.String entityDefinition, java.lang.String attributeKey) throws VdxServiceException, java.rmi.RemoteException;
Returns an array of Attribute objects that can be used to retrieve and examine data in the directory abstraction layer.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
Attribute[] getAttributes(java.lang.String objectDN, java.lang.String entityDefinition, java.lang.String[] attributeKeys) throws VdxServiceException, java.rmi.RemoteException;
The Attribute class represents an attribute in the directory abstraction layer.
This section provides reference information for the Attribute class.
The Attribute class has two constructors.
Syntax 1: Here is the syntax for a constructor that takes no arguments:
Syntax 2: Here is the syntax for a constructor that takes arrays of all the supported data types as arguments:
Attribute(ByteArrayArray BinariesVal, BooleanArray BooleansVal, DateArray DatesVal, IntegerArray IntegersVal, StringArray StringsVal, AttributeType TypeVal)
Returns the ByteArrayArray object for the attribute.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
ByteArrayArray getBinaries()
Sets the ByteArrayArray object for the attribute.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
void setBinaries(ByteArrayArray BinariesVal)
Returns the BooleanArray object for the attribute.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
BooleanArray getBooleans()
Sets the BooleanArray object for the attribute.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
void setBooleans(BooleanArray BooleansVal)
Returns the DateArray object for the attribute.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
DateArray getDates()
Sets the DateArray object for the attribute.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
void setDates(DateArray DatesVal)
Returns the IntegerArray object for the attribute.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
IntegerArray getIntegers()
Sets the IntegerArray object for the attribute.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
void setIntegers(IntegerArray IntegersVal)
Returns the StringArray object for the attribute.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
StringArray getStrings()
Set the StringArray object for the attribute.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
void setStrings(StringArray StringsVal)
Returns the AttributeType object for the attribute.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
AttributeType getType()
Sets the AttributeType object for the attribute.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
void setType(AttributeType TypeVal)
This section provides reference information on the AttributeArray class.
The AttributeArray class has two constructors.
Syntax 1: Here is the syntax for a constructor that takes no parameters:
Syntax 2: Here is the syntax for a constructor that takes an array of Attribute objects as a parameter:
AttributeArray(Attribute[] AttributeVal)
Returns an array of Attribute objects.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
Attribute[] getAttribute()
Sets the array of Attribute objects associated with the AttributeArray class.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
void setAttribute(Attribute[] AttributeVal)
This section provides reference information on the AttributeType class.
The AttributeType class supports a single constructor.
Syntax: Here is the syntax for the constructor:
protected AttributeType(java.lang.String value)
Returns a String that indicates the attribute type.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
java.lang.String getValue()
This section provides reference information for the BooleanArray class.
The BooleanArray class has two constructors.
Syntax 1: Here is the syntax for a constructor that takes no parameters:
Syntax 2: Here is the syntax for a constructor that takes a boolean value as a parameter:
BooleanArray(boolean[] BooleanVal)
Returns an array of boolean values for an attribute.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
boolean[] getBoolean()
Sets an array of boolean values for an attribute.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
void setBoolean(boolean[] BooleanVal)
This section provides reference information on the ByteArrayArray class.
The ByteArrayArray class has two constructors.
Syntax 1: Here is the syntax for a constructor that takes no parameters:
Syntax 2: Here is the syntax for a constructor that takes a Base 64 binary value as a parameter:
ByteArrayArray(byte[][] Base64BinaryVal)
Returns a two-dimensional array of bytes for an attribute.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
byte[][] getBase64Binary()
Sets a two-dimensional array of bytes for an attribute.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
void setBase64Binary(byte[][] Base64BinaryVal)
This section provides reference information for the DateArray class.
The DateArray class has two constructors.
Syntax 1: Here is the syntax for a constructor that takes no parameters:
Syntax 2: Here is the syntax for a constructor that takes a Calendar array as a parameter:
DateArray(java.util.Calendar[] DatetimeVal)
Returns an array of Calendar objects for an attribute.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
java.util.Calendar[] getDatetime()
Sets an array of Calendar objects for an attribute.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
void setDatetime(java.util.Calendar[] DatetimeVal)
The EntryAttributeMap class is a container for an EntryArray object. It is returned by the query method on the stub.
This section provides reference information on the methods associated with the EntryAttributeMap class.
The EntryAttributeMap class has two constructors.
Syntax 1: Here is the syntax for a constructor that takes no parameters:
Syntax 2: Here is the syntax for a constructor that takes an EntryArray object as a parameter:
EntityAttributeMap(EntryArray EntriesVal)
Returns the EntryArray object contained within this EntryAttributeMap object.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
EntryArray getEntries()
Sets the EntryArray object for this EntryAttributeMap object.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
void setEntry(EntryArray EntriesVal)
The Entry class represents an entry in an EntryArray object.
This section provides reference information for each method associated with the Entry class.
The Entry class has two constructors.
Syntax 1: Here is the syntax for a constructor that takes no parameters:
Syntax 2: Here is the syntax for a constructor that takes two parameters, the key value and an array of attribute values:
Entry(java.lang.String KeyVal, AttributeArray ValuesVal)
Returns the key defined for the Entry object. The key identifies the attribute.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
java.lang.String getKey()
Sets the key for the Entry object. The key identifies the attribute.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
void setKey(java.lang.String KeyVal)
Returns a AttributeArray object representing the values for the Entry object.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
AttributeArray getValues()
Sets the values for the Entry object.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
void setValues(AttributeArray ValuesVal)
The EntryArray class is a container for an array of Entry objects. It is contained by the EntryAttributeMap object.
This section provides reference information on the methods associated with the EntryArray class.
The EntryArray class has two constructors.
Syntax 1: Here is the syntax for a constructor that takes no parameters:
Syntax 2: Here is the syntax for a constructor that takes an array of Entry objects as a parameter:
EntryArray(Entry[] EntryVal)
Returns the Entry object contained within this EntryArray object.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
Entry[] getEntry()
Sets the Entry object for this EntryArray object.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
void setEntry(Entry[] EntryVal)
This section provides reference information for the IntegerArray class.
The IntegerArray class has two constructors.
Syntax 1: Here is the syntax for a constructor that takes no parameters:
Syntax 2: Here is the syntax for a constructor that takes an int array as a parameter:
IntegerArray(int[] IntVal)
Returns an array of integers for an attribute.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
int[] getInt()
Sets an array of integers for an attribute.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
void setInt(int[] IntVal)
The StringArray class is a container for an array of String objects. When you call the query() and getAttributes() methods, you pass in a StringArray object to specify which attributes you want to retrieve values for.
This section provides reference information for the StringArray class.
The StringArray class has two constructors.
Syntax 1: Here is the syntax for a constructor that takes no parameters:
Syntax 2: Here is the syntax for a constructor that takes an String array as a parameter:
StringArray(java.lang.String[] StringVal)
Returns the array of String objects associated with the StringArray object.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
java.lang.String[] getString()
Sets the array of String objects associated with the StringArray object.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
void setString(java.lang.String[] StringVal)
The StringEntry class is contained by the the StringEntryArray class.
This section provides reference information for the StringEntry class.
The StringEntry class has two constructors.
Syntax 1: Here is the syntax for a constructor that takes no parameters:
Syntax 2: Here is the syntax for a constructor that takes a key and a String value as parameters:
StringEntry(java.lang.String KeyVal, java.lang.String ValuesVal)
Returns the key defined for the StringEntry object.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
java.lang.String getKey()
Sets the key for the StringEntry object.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
void setKey(java.lang.String KeyVal)
The StringEntryArray class is a container for an array of StringEntry objects. It is contained by the StringMap object.
This section provides reference information for the StringEntryArray class.
The StringEntryArray class has two constructors.
Syntax 1: Here is the syntax for a constructor that takes no parameters:
Syntax 2: Here is the syntax for a constructor that takes a StringEntry array as a parameter:
StringEntryArray(StringEntry[] StringentryVal)
Returns the key for the StringEntryArray object.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
StringEntry[] getStringentry()
Sets the key for the StringEntryArray object.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
void setStringentry(StringEntry[] StringentryVal)
The StringMap is a container for a StringEntryArray object.
This section provides reference information on the StringMap class.
The StringMap class has two constructors.
Syntax 1: Here is the syntax for a constructor that takes no parameters:
Syntax 2: Here is the syntax for a constructor that takes a StringEntryArray as a parameter:
StringMap(StringEntryArray EntriesVal)
Returns the StringEntryArray object contained by this StringMap object.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
StringEntryArray getEntries()
Sets the StringEntryArray object for this StringMap object.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
void setEntries(StringEntryArray EntriesVal)
This section provides reference information for the VdxService interface.
Gets the stub for the remote service. The stub is a port of type IRemoteVdx.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
IRemoteVdx getIRemoteVdxPort() throws javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException;
This section provides reference information on the VersionVO class.
Returns the version number of the service.
Syntax: Here is the method signature:
java.lang.String getValue()