2.7 Providing Access Control List Permissions to APPS Account

If the Oracle E-Business Suite is using Oracle 11g or database later versions, you must create an Access Control List (ACL) and grant connect, resolve, and access privileges on that ACL to the APPS account for synchronizing the changes to the Identity Vault.

  1. Connect to database as sysdba user

  2. Execute the following SQL commands:

    DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.CREATE_ACL(ACL Name, 'description', 'APPS', TRUE, 'connect');

    For example,

    DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.CREATE_ACL(OracleEBS.xml', 'description', 'APPS', TRUE, 'connect');

    This command creates an ACL named OracleEBS.xml and grants the database connection privilege to the APPS account. The ACL is created as an XML file in /sys/acls directory by default.

    DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.ADD_PRIVILEGE('/sys/acls/OracleEBS.xml' ,'APPS', TRUE, 'resolve');

    This command allows the APPS account to resolve the network address.


    This command allows the APPS account to access all the web resources as asterisk (*) wildcard character.

    DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.ASSIGN_ACL('/sys/acls/OracleEBS.xml','IP/Host name');

    This command allows the APPS account to access the DNS/hostname of your Identity Manager server.


    NOTE:To connect Oracle E-Business Suite with an additional driver from a different server, connect to the database as sysdba user and run only the last command as follows:

    DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.ASSIGN_ACL('/sys/acls/OracleEBS.xml','IP/Host name');

    For example,
