3.2 Installing the Multi-Domain Active Directory Driver

The installation program guides you through driver shim installation.

To install the driver, perform the following steps:

  1. Download the NIdM_Driver_4.5_MDAD.zip file from the Download Web site.

  2. Unzip the NIdM_Driver_4.5_MDAD.zip file on your computer.

  3. Navigate to the Installer folder.

  4. Run the installer.exe to install the driver shim.

    NOTE:If you are currently using the .NET Remote Loader, stop the Remote Loader service before starting the installation.

  5. Click Next and follow the on-screen installation steps to complete the driver shim installation.

    After the installation is complete, the following components are installed:

    • DXMLMADDriver.dll is installed in the default .NET Remote Loader location.

    • Password Synchronization binaries such as pwFilter.dll and PSEvent.dll are installed in IDM_PassSync folder.

    • Windows Control Panel lists Identity Manager PassSync as one of the control panel items.