38.2 Installing Identity Reporting Silently

A silent (non-interactive) installation does not display a user interface or ask the user any questions. Instead, the system uses information from a .properties file. You can run the silent installation with the default file or edit the file to customize the installation process. To perform a guided installation, see Using the Guided Process to Install Identity Reporting.

To prepare for the installation, review the prerequisites and system requirements listed in Section 36.4.2, System Requirements for Identity Reporting. Also see the Release Notes accompanying the release.

  1. (Conditional) To avoid specifying the administrator passwords for the installation in the .properties file for a silent installation, use the export or set command. For example:

    • Linux: export NOVL_ADMIN_PWD=myPassWord

    • Windows: set NOVL_ADMIN_PWD=myPassWord

    The silent installation process reads the passwords from the environment, rather than from the .properties file.

    Specify the following passwords:


    Specifies the password for the administrator for the SIEM database.


    Specifies the password for the owner of the database schemas and objects for reporting.


    Specifies the password for the idmrptuser that has read-only access to reporting data.


    Specifies the password for the EAS server.

    You can copy the system password from the system property in the activemqusers.properties file on the computer where EAS is installed.


    (Conditional) To enable subcontainer searches at login time, specifies the password of an LDAP administrator.


    (Conditional) To use authentication for email communications, specifies the password for the default SMTP email user.

  2. To specify the installation parameters, complete the following steps:

    1. Ensure that the .properties file is located in the same directory as the execution file for installation.

      For your convenience, NetIQ provides two .properties files, located by default in the products/Reporting directory of the .iso image:

      • rpt_installonly.properties to use the default installation settings

      • rpt_configonly.properties to customize the installation settings

    2. In a text editor, open the .properties file.

    3. Specify the parameter values. For a description of the parameters, see Step 10.

    4. Save and close the file.

  3. To launch the installation process, enter one of the following commands:

    • Linux: ./rpt-install.bin -i silent -f path_to_properties_file

    • Windows: ./rpt-install.exe -i silent -f path_to_properties_file

      NOTE:If the .properties file resides in a different directory from the installation script, you must specify the full path to the file. The script unpacks the necessary files to a temporary directory and then launches the silent installation.