3.8 Enabling Localized User Names in Typeahead Fields

After you configure the Full Name entity in the DAL, the identity applications automatically display user names formatted by locale.

However, to use user names with localized name formatting in typeahead fields within the identity applications, you must create one or more custom registry entries. The identity applications use typeahead controls when a supervisor wants to manage a specific or team, and the typeahead controls do not use the %LocaleFormattedFullName% literal.

  1. In the conf directory of your application server installation, create an empty file with the file name UIControlRegistry_CustomProps.xml.

  2. Open the User Application WAR, IDMProv.war by default, and extract the contents.

  3. Locate the UIControlRegistry.xml file in the WAR’s WEB-INF directory.

  4. In the UIControlRegistry.xml file, locate the entries for the UserDNLookup and UserInTeamDNLookup keys.

  5. Copy the <registry> element, <ctrls> element, and both keys to the UIControlRegistry_CustomProps.xml file.

  6. Modify the display-exp property of each of the copied keys as follows:

    <prop name="display-exp" type="string">
        <value>FirstName LastName</value>
        <value xml:lang="de">LastName FirstName</value>
  7. Create an xml:lang value for each localized name format you want to use. You can include a value for each language supported by the User Application.

  8. Save and close the UIControlRegistry_CustomProps.xml file.

  9. Restart your application server.