6.2 Report Content

This section displays the details for each Managed or Unmanaged account including the account ID, type, status, and user for the most current date and time range.

6.2.1 Managed Accounts

Account ID: The account ID for the user in the managed system.

Account Type: The account type for the account ID value in the managed system.

Account Status: The status of the account in the managed system.

Associated Identity Vault Account: The DN of the user account in the Identity Vault.

Identity Vault Account Status: The status of the user account in the Identity Vault.

User: The name of the user.

Managed System: The name of the driver from where the information is retrieved.

6.2.2 Unmanaged Accounts

Account ID: The account ID for the user in the managed system.

Account Type: The account type for the account ID value in the managed system.

Account Status: The status of the account in the managed system.

Managed System: The name of the driver from where the information is retrieved.