5.2 Report Content

This section displays the details for each Managed or Unmanaged account including the account ID, type, status, and user for a given date range.

5.2.1 Managed Accounts

Account ID: The account ID for the user in the managed system.

Account Type: The account type for the account ID value in the managed system.

Account Status: The status of the account in the managed system.

Associated Identity Vault Account: The DN of the user account in the Identity Vault.

Identity Vault Account Status: The status of the user account in the Identity Vault.

User: The name of the user.

Managed System: The name of the driver from where the information is retrieved.

5.2.2 Unmanaged Accounts

Account ID: The account ID for the user in the managed system.

Account Type: The account type for the account ID value in the managed system.

Account Status: The status of the account in the managed system.

Managed System: The name of the driver from where the information is retrieved.