13.2 Report Content

This section displays the subcomponents of each data source for a given date range.

13.2.1 Identity Vault Overview

This section displays the total number of entries in each current state view related to the Identity Vault.

Classification: The name of the Identity Vault from which the information is retrieved.

View: The current state view.

Total Entries: The total number of entries in each view.

13.2.2 Audit Event Overview

This section displays event counts by source for all audit events that occurred during the specified date range.

Source: The name of the object assigned to the role.

Event: The event that occurred. For example Publisher Status Success heartbeat.

Count: The number of times the event occurred during a specified date range.

Severity: The intensity of importance of each audit event.

13.2.3 Database Overview

This section displays estimated row counts for tables greater than 64 KB grouped by schema. The table size includes the data and all associated indexes and toast tables. The date in the Last Analyzed column indicates when the last ANALYZE or VACUUM operations were run on the table. Configure the PostgreSQL autovacuum daemon to run periodically on the database; this will keep the accuracy of the row count estimates and table sizes more current.

Table: Name of the table for the given schema.

Estimated rows: A rough calculation of number of rows for each table greater than 64 kilobytes (KB) grouped by schema.

Size(MB): The size of each table in megabytes.

Last Analyzed: Indicates when the last ANALYZE or VACUUM operations were run on the table.