NetIQ Identity Manager Driver Administration Guide
- NetIQ Identity Manager Driver Administration Guide
- Introduction to Drivers
- Understanding Drivers
- Activating Drivers
- Stopping, Starting, or Restarting Drivers
- Stopping, Starting, or Restarting a Driver in Designer
- Stopping, Starting, or Restarting a Driver in iManager
- Viewing Version Information
- Viewing a Hierarchical Display of Version Information
- Viewing and Saving Version Information as a Text File
- Driver Configuration Files Naming Convention
- Backing Up Drivers
- Exporting the Driver in Designer
- Exporting the Driver in iManager
- Running the Driver in Factory Mode
- Monitoring Driver Health
- Creating a Driver Health Job
- Modifying the Driver Health Job’s Settings
- Modifying the Conditions for a Driver Health Configuration
- Modifying the Actions for a Driver Health Configuration
- Creating a Custom State
- Memory Requirements for Driver Health
- Viewing Driver Statistics
- Viewing Statistics for an Individual Driver
- Viewing Statistics for a Driver Set
- Managing Associations between Drivers and Objects
- Associations
- No-Reference Associations
- Migration Between Associations
- Tools for Managing Associations
- Managing Driver Cache Files
- Viewing a Transaction
- Viewing the Out of Band Sync Cache
- Relocating the Event Cache File
- Securely Storing Driver Passwords with Named Passwords
- Using Designer to Configure Named Passwords
- Using iManager to Configure Named Passwords
- Using Named Passwords in Driver Policies
- Using the DirXML Command Line Utility to Configure Named Passwords
- Configuring Java Environment Parameters
- Using iManager to Configure the Java Environment Parameters
- Using Designer to Configure the Java Environment Parameters
- Rights Needed by a Driver on Identity Vault Objects
- Using the DirXML Command Line Utility
- Interactive Mode
- Command Line Mode
- Synchronizing Objects
- What Is Synchronization?
- When Is Synchronization Done?
- How Does the Identity Manager Engine Decide Which Object to Synchronize?
- How Does Synchronization Work?
- Association Statistics
- Enabling Out of Band Sync
- Enabling Out of Band Sync Using Designer
- Enabling Out of Band Sync Using iManager
- Specifying the Out of Band Sync Status Interval
- Migrating and Resynchronizing Data
- Viewing Identity Manager Processes
- Adding Trace Levels in Designer
- Adding Trace Levels in iManager
- Capturing Identity Manager Processes to a File
- Setting Permission for Monitoring Trace Files
- Editing Driver Configuration Files
- Variables in a Driver Configuration File
- Flexible Prompting in a Driver Configuration File
- Viewing the Informal Identity Manager Driver Configuration DTD
- When and How to Use Global Configuration Values
- Using GCVs to Adapt the Driver Configuration File to Changing Environments
- When Not to Use GCVs
- When to Use Driver Set GCVs, Driver GCVs, or Global Configuration Objects in Packages
- Naming Convention for GCVs
- Understanding Permission Collection and Reconciliation Service
- Overview
- Components for Permission Collection and Reconciliation Service
- Configuring Common Settings GCVs
- Setting Up Administrative User Accounts
- Setting Up Administrative Passwords
- Creating Drivers
- Viewing Permission Collection and Reconciliation Service Configuration Objects
- Troubleshooting Permission Collection and Reconciliation Service Issues
- Troubleshooting
- Identity Manager Treats SYN_TIME values as Signed Integers Instead of Unsigned Integers
- Using NetIQ Sentinel to Log Identity Manager Events
- Troubleshooting Driver Processes
- Driver Shim Errors
- Identity Manager Driver Errors
- Java Customization Errors
- Multiple Sync Events Occur When an Object is Moved in the Master Replica Server
- Rule Engine Does Not Honor the Mode Specified in the Set or Add Destination Attribute Value
- Reassociating a Driver Set Object with a Server
- Association Statistics Tool Displays Incorrect Grouping of Drivers in the Dashboard
- Association Statistics Tool Displays an Error for No-Reference Associations
- Unable to Retrieve Application Schema Error
- Driver Properties
- Accessing the Properties
- Named Passwords
- Engine Control Values
- Log Level
- Driver Image/iManager Icon
- Security Equals
- Filter
- Edit Filter XML
- Misc/Trace
- Excluded Objects
- Driver Health Configuration
- Driver Manifest
- Driver Cache Inspector
- Driver Inspector
- Server Variables
- The Cache Flush Parameter
- Legal Notice