1.0 Overview

NetIQ Identity Manager Catalog Administrator is a Web-based tool that allows business and security analysts manage roles and resources in Identity Manager. Though catalog is not a unique database or a set of files, it encompasses all information about roles, resources, and relationship between them. Catalog Administrator allows you to view and manage permission assignments across various connected systems in organizations managed by Identity Manager. You can also design roles and map them with resources across connected systems.

You can use Catalog Administrator to:

  • Associate resources to roles within your organization

  • Create new roles and assign other roles to them

  • Create separation of duties (SoD) constraints to manage potential conflicts between roles

  • Find out which role or resource is associated with which container

  • Create new resources, either from an entitlement or without an entitlement

  • Modify existing roles and resources

Identity Manager Catalog Administrator leverages the Identity Manager resource model and provides you an up-to-date and easy-to-manage view of an organization’s roles and resources. Catalog Administrator gets role and resource information from the User Application driver.