6.3 Common Driver Issues



User Placement. Do not use a leading "\" to place users or Organization Units.

To place a user in the root container, the dest-dn should only contain the username. If you are placing a user in the Google Sales\Marketing container, your dest-dn should look like <add class-name="User" dest-dn="Sales\Marketing\ddare"/>

Organization Units use the same format for dest-dn.

Group Placement: Do not use a placement rule on groups because Google does not support placing groups in organizations.

Group renames are not supported.

The naming attribute of a group in Google is the e-mail address. Google does not support changing this address after the group has been created. It is up to the developer to decide how to capture this event. If the group in eDirectory is renamed, the driver continues to manage the group in Google, but the Google group won’t be renamed.

Unique naming: It is important that Nicknames, Group names and usernames be unique in the Google Apps domain.

When you develop a matching rule, be sure to check for nicknames and usernames to ensure proper matching. Further, naming must be unique across all Google Organizational units. For example, it is not legal to have Sales\Marketing\ddare and Engineering\ddare, because ddare needs to be unique across the domain.